01 - Early One Morning
02 - Come You Not From Newcastle
03 - Sweet Polly Oliver
04 - The Trees They Grow So High
05 - The Ash Grove
07 - How Sweet the Answer
08 - The Plough Boy
09 - Voici Le Printemps
10 - The Last Rose of Summer
11 - Le Belle Est Au Jardin D'amour
12 - Fileuse
13 - Dear Harp of my Country!
14 - Little Sir William
15 - O Can Ye Sew Cushions
16 - Oft in the Stilly Night
17 - Quand J'e'tais Chez Mon P'ere
18 - There's None To Soothe
19 - Oliver Cromwell
Sarah Brightman – The Trees They Grow So High - 1998
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11:16:00 p. m.
Etiquetas: ♫ de Reino Unido, Sarah Brightman
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